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Posted On 19-Sep-2023

What is online reputation management in digital marketing?

Posted by OMX Digital Pvt. Ltd.

Viewed 8.83 min read


What is online reputation management in digital marketing?

Online reputation management (ORM) is the process of actively observing, affecting, and controlling how organisations, people, things, or brands are seen online. It involves a number of tactics and procedures meant to minimise the effects of harmful online information while establishing and preserving a favourable online reputation.

In digital marketing, monitoring, influencing, and controlling an individual's or a brand's online reputation and perception is known as online reputation management (ORM). In order to influence how people view a person, business, product, or service when conducting an online search, it requires a range of strategies and techniques.

ORM is crucial in the digital age because consumers frequently use the internet to study goods, services, and people before making judgements. A bad internet reputation can hurt your business, profession, and personal connections, whilst a good one can improve credibility and trust. Effective ORM techniques ensure that your online persona appropriately represents your beliefs and goals.

Someone can quickly and easily evaluate you and your business based on what they discover on Google. Approximately 95% of consumers read online evaluations before making a purchase, and over 81% are likely to browse Google evaluations before going to a physical store, according to recent research.    When someone searches for you online, they could have quite diverse opinions of your business and what you have to offer—positive or negative—after doing so.A poor online reputation or none at all can have a significant negative impact on the success of your business or  you personally. Whether you're negotiating a contract, forming a business alliance, or speaking with journalists, your online reputation is important.

The following are crucial elements of online reputation management:

  • Monitoring: This is the initial phase of ORM. It entails keeping track of mentions, remarks, reviews, and discussions about a company or specific people on various internet forums, social media sites, review sites, and news websites. For tracking online mentions and sentiment analysis, there are many solutions available.

  • Assessment: After gathering data about your online presence, you must evaluate it to comprehend your online reputation at the time. This entails analysing the tone of comments and reviews, spotting trends, and gauging the general atmosphere of online debates about your business.

  • Engagement: Active online engagement with your audience is another aspect of ORM. This can involve answering reviews and comments, resolving client issues, and taking part in online debates pertaining to your sector or speciality.

  • Content Creation: High-quality content creation and publication can help you build a strong online reputation. You may position yourself or your company as an authority in your industry and foster goodwill by creating valuable, educational, and pertinent content.

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): For ORM, it is essential to optimise web content for search engines. By pushing negative or irrelevant information down in search engine results, this makes sure that good content ranks highly.

  • Social Media Management: For ORM, it's crucial to actively monitor social media profiles. A positive online reputation can be developed by consistent, constructive connection with followers.

  • Review Management: Encourage pleased consumers to post good ratings on review websites and respond to unfavourable ones in a respectful and helpful manner.

  • Crisis management: Bad things can happen, and they can hurt your online reputation. A plan for efficiently managing and mitigating such circumstances is part of ORM.

  • Online privacy: Preventing the misuse or exploitation of your sensitive or personal information online is another component of ORM.

  • Legal Action: If online content is demonstrably untrue, damaging, or defamatory, legal action may be required to defend your reputation.


 In the context of digital marketing, online reputation management (ORM) has a number of benefits because it is so important in determining how people and businesses are viewed online.

The following are some of the main benefits of applying ORM in digital marketing:

  • Builds Credibility and Trust: Your target audience will be more likely to believe you if you have a good internet reputation. Potential customers are more likely to trust and use your goods or services if they read favourable comments, reviews, and other content about your brand.

  • Better Customer Perception: ORM gives you the power to shape how consumers view your brand. You can control the narrative and make sure that the best features of your brand or personal identity are highlighted by actively controlling and promoting positive content.

  • Improved Brand Image: ORM aids in building and preserving a solid and positive brand image. Positive internet content can set your brand apart from rivals and establish it as a pioneer in your sector.

  • Better Online Visibility: By optimising material for search engines (SEO), you can make sure that favourable information about your brand ranks highly in search engine results. As a result, your material is more likely to be found by potential customers before they come across unfavourable or irrelevant information, increasing visibility.

  • Reputation Damage is Reduced: ORM enables you to respond quickly and competently to problems that arise from unfavourable reviews or damaging information. You can lessen the effect of unfavourable comments on your reputation by reacting to criticism and fixing issues.

  • Enhances Customer Engagement: Engaging with customers actively on social media and other online platforms can promote a sense of community and loyalty. The use of ORM increases consumer engagement and helps you maintain a healthy online discussion with your audience.

  • Supports Marketing and Sales Efforts: Successful online reputation management can support your marketing and sales initiatives. When leads realise that other people have had good experiences with your company, it acts as social proof and helps them become customers.

  • Talent Attraction: For companies, having a good internet reputation might help them draw in top candidates. Before evaluating a job offer, prospective employees will probably look into the reputation of the organisation. A good reputation can increase the appeal of your company to potential employees.

  • Management of Crises: ORM enables you to successfully plan for and respond to online crises. Having a proactive ORM strategy in place will assist you in reacting fast and minimising the harm to your reputation when unpleasant events emerge.

  • Long-term Sustainability: You can assure the long-term viability of your brand or personal identification by regularly managing and enhancing your online reputation. A solid online reputation can withstand difficulties and adjustments to the digital environment.

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