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Posted On 14-Sep-2023

Top trends in digital marketing for 2023

Posted by OMX Digital Pvt. Ltd.

Viewed 10.91 min read


Top trends in digital marketing for 2023

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Even though artificial intelligence is still in its infancy, there were several effective instances of AI-based marketing initiatives in 2022.

For instance, DALL-E gained popularity last year. This AI technology can produce graphics from text instructions. Instead of purchasing stock photographs, digital marketers might utilise them to create graphics for blog posts and landing sites.

ChatGPT and GPT-4, a sophisticated text-based tool that can produce a variety of written content, are another well-liked free AI tool. ChatGPT is a pretty impressive application that may improve your digital marketing approach. It can be used for everything from cracking jokes to creating scenes for short films.

OpenAI, a corporation that does artificial intelligence research and development, is the owner of both DALL-E and ChatGPT.

There are other free and paid solutions created specifically for digital marketers, but DALL-E and ChatGPT are still research tools for machine learning. Example? Jasper employs AI to write copy. The use of tools like Jasper can effectively speed up your content marketing efforts, although I don't advise you to dismiss your content crew and replace it with AI. When you're stuck for ideas, it will assist you with creating social media posts or helping you with the writing for landing pages.

2. The new wave of influencer marketing

Influencer marketing was once extremely easy to understand. You locate a profile with a sizable following, pay them to advertise your goods, and then you wait for the results.

It's no longer that easy. Users of social media are aware of influencer marketing and no longer blindly believe what they see in their feeds.

Social media influencerdom has become a way of life. You need a lot of specialized knowledge and the ability to generate interaction in order to be a successful influencer.

Check out Brand24's list of the top digital marketing influencers for a fast review of who is who in influencer marketing.

I urge you to view the video below if you're interested in what prominent digital marketing influencers have to say about forthcoming trends.

3. Personalized Marketing

Do you know how many advertisements you view each day on the Internet? Too many businesses are vying for your attention and trying to push their newest goods.

You now need to be a more cunning marketer. It is insufficient to simply advertise your service or product to a large audience and wait for feedback. Your potential clients' problems must be addressed, and you must provide solutions.

You most likely receive a lot of spammy messages from marketers trying to sell you their goods if you have a LinkedIn account. Unfortunately, a lot of these messages are very general and fail to address any potential issues you may have. 

Your squad has a chance right here! Before you mail a different CEO about your fantastic tool, do some research and consider the issues they might be experiencing. Then, offer them solutions rather than simply merchandise.

On the other side, social listening is a fantastic way to join the conversation straight away. Find people who are discussing your company, product, or market niche and pay close attention to the issues they are having. When used properly, social selling and conversational marketing may perform miracles and have a high likelihood of becoming viral.

4.Short-Form Video

In the previous year, TikTok videos were without a doubt the most widely consumed sort of social media material. They were so popular that a number of other significant social media platforms adopted the format. In recent years, we've seen the emergence of Instagram Reels (later copied by Facebook), YouTube Shorts, and even Twitter tried their hand at Fleets (removed in 2021).

Our attention span is getting shorter; that much is evident. Although there are still a lot of interesting videos on YouTube, short-form video material is quite different. You can simply use TikTok as a time filler while driving to work or before going to bed.

As a marketer, consider this a challenge. Try to keep your brand in the viewer's mind by grabbing their attention in the opening few seconds of the video. Not every business will likely become viral, but on the other hand, Ryanair and Duolingo are highly successful in terms of TikTok views.

Mobile-friendly social networking feeds are available. When creating your digital marketing strategy for 2023, keep that in mind.

5. Multi-channel social media marketing 

Prior to a few years ago, Facebook was the only social media network that really mattered. Everything happened there when everyone was present.

Not in 2023, though. Although Facebook isn't yet going away, there are many more platforms you need to keep up with if you want to be an effective social media marketer.

TikTok has recently received the most attention among platforms. Due to its recent surge in popularity, marketers are finally realizing the enormous potential of TikTok marketing.

The TikTok narrative demonstrates the need for us to be ready for any new platforms that might enter the market. Young people (Gen Z and the future generation) are especially likely to abandon ship and adopt the new thing.

My advice is to keep an eye on BeReal's development and keep an eye out for any credible Twitter alternatives that emerge. Mastodon appears to be Twitter's possible rival at the moment.


Even though LinkedIn isn't a young company, its user base is expanding annually, and in 2023, you can find a lot of potential clients there.

Consider it this way: 39% of all LinkedIn users still choose to pay for LinkedIn Premium, despite the fact that it is one of the most expensive social network membership plans. What a fantastic outcome!

The figures are self-evident. LinkedIn is an essential component of your 2023 marketing plan. It's still applicable and the ideal spot to begin social selling.

Did you know that Brand24 allows you to track LinkedIn?

7. Customer Experience

The customer experience has become even more crucial to corporate strategy as we migrate more and more to the digital realm. Nowadays, you can quickly get reviews and opinions on practically anything.

When a business provides a poor customer experience, word gets around quickly. Quickly, customers will start to steer clear of their offerings and seek alternatives.

In 2023, there is simply no justification for subpar customer service.

Your digital marketing strategy should prioritise providing the finest experience possible for your customers. Your website should load quickly and be simple to use. Don't withhold important data from users. Improve the site's organisation. Make it simple for customers to reach you by using chatbots or other tools.

In 2023, improving customer experience will undoubtedly be a major digital marketing trend.

8. Ethics in digital marketing

Oh yes, unscrupulous marketing techniques have no place in 2023. The trend is toward conscious decisions.

Ethics and morality are now far more influential than ever on your potential and current customers. Consumers are aware of global warming and how irresponsible capitalism contributes to it.

You must therefore be sincere in your communications. If they are not your primary target audience, don't be afraid to lose them. In certain cases, it is preferable to declare that you are not the best option for them and avoid their disappointment (as well as unfavourable feedback). Users will value your openness and keep in mind your helpful recommendations.

CRM is a strategy that more and more businesses are pursuing. They promote philanthropy and related behaviours through their social media platforms and other marketing collateral. Yes, corporate donations are frequently made just for tax deductions, but they are also actually doing great things for the environment.

The main thing is to maintain your digital marketing strategy's integrity. If not, even your most devoted consumers will eventually abandon you when they realise your bluff.

You should know that sustainability is a hot topic.

Tags: Top trends in digital marketing for 2023
