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Posted On 14-Sep-2023

How Business Are Using AI In Digital Marketing

Posted by OMX Digital Pvt. Ltd.

Viewed 4.51 min read


How Companies Are Using AI In Digital Marketing?
Artificial Intelligence, often abbreviated as AI, may seem paradoxical, yet it's revolutionizing our world by automating tasks, solving complex problems, and enhancing efficiency. What was once a concept confined to science fiction is now subtly ingrained in our daily lives. Consider the act of commuting as an example. Whether you drive to work, use mass transit, or rely on ride-sharing services like Uber or Lyft, AI is behind the scenes, minimizing commute times through real-time data analysis, optimizing transit services, and predicting ride-sharing outcomes.

However, commuting is just one illustration of AI's impact. If you use Siri, Google, email, Facebook, Alexa, Amazon, Instagram, Netflix, Pandora, or any number of technologies, you're engaging with AI-driven systems that have become integral to our routines. AI has now expanded into the realm of digital marketing, working behind the scenes to enhance pay-per-click advertising, customize websites, create content, and predict consumer behavior. How Companies Are Using AI In Digital Marketing, The marketing sector is rapidly recognizing the advantages of AI, with 84 percent of marketing organizations adopting or expanding their use of AI and machine learning in 2018, according to Forbes.

Businesses can leverage AI to enhance their digital marketing efforts in two main ways. Firstly, it can be utilized on the backend for tasks like demand forecasting, customer profiling, and programmatic ad purchasing. Secondly, AI can be employed on the customer-facing side to enhance the customer experience, thereby strengthening brands and boosting sales. In fact, organizations that utilize AI and machine learning report more than a 10 percent improvement in customer satisfaction.

Four notable ways in which companies are integrating AI into digital marketing to enhance customer satisfaction are through chatbots, predictive and targeted content, content creation, and image recognition technology. Each of these innovations contributes to better customer service, targeted content delivery, and improved support. The subsequent sections outline these technologies and elucidate their benefits to your business's success.

1. **Chatbots**: Chatbots, powered by AI, engage in conversations and provide responses. They serve as effective marketing tools, particularly on social media platforms, by offering customer support, collecting customer data for messaging refinement, and guiding customers through the sales process.

2. **Predictive and Targeted Content**: AI's data-gathering capabilities enable the prediction of customer behavior and facilitate the delivery of tailored content. This content can be disseminated through chatbots, dynamic webpage content, or emails, all timed to maximize engagement. AI-driven "churn prediction" also aids in re-engaging disinterested customers.

3. **Content Creation**: AI assists in generating substantial content volumes, ranging from articles to email subject lines and social media ads. This content, created with customer needs in mind, saves time and resources while maintaining quality.

4. **Image Recognition Technology**: AI-driven image recognition enhances the customer experience by personalizing interactions. This is evident in examples like Macy's Image Search, which allows customers to find similar items through photo uploads.

In this era of digital transformation, adept marketers remain attuned to evolving trends. Simplilearn addresses this need by offering a comprehensive Digital Marketing certification course, covering eight key domains including search engine optimization, email marketing, and social media marketing. This training equips you and your team to confidently navigate the digital landscape and stay current in an ever-changing environment.

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