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Posted On 9-Nov-2023

Display Advertising

Posted by OMX Digital Pvt. Ltd.

Viewed 6.67 min read


 Display Advertising

Visually showcasing your brand or goods across multiple internet channels is possible with display advertising.  It motivates users to perform particular tasks. as completing a form, clicking to go to a landing page, or completing a purchase.  With display advertising, you may communicate your message through a combination of text, graphics, and videos.  It's very scalable as well. You can connect with lots of people. Alternatively, you might target a certain market by tailoring your display advertising to appear for particular demographics depending on their preferences, browsing habits, and characteristics.

Benefits of Display Advertising

  • Enhanced Awareness of the Brand:A wide audience is exposed to your brand through display advertising. by placing your advertisements on websites that are relevant to your target audience. You can raise brand awareness by doing this.

  • Targeted Reach:With targeted reach display ads, you can focus on particular locations, behaviors, and demographics.  This implies that you can target audiences who are most likely to convert with your advertising budget. Your advertisement is being placed where it matters, not just thrown into the digital abyss.

  • Engaging Creatives: Simple text and images to interactive features and videos are just a few of the inventive formats that display ads offer. With the help of these varied options, you can draw in and hold the attention of your audience.  A quick video clip or an interactive test are two examples of formats that can help people remember your brand.

  • Cost Effective: The cost per impression of display ads is frequently lower. Depending on your needs, you can choose between various pricing models and even set a budget. Display ads are reasonably priced due to their degree of flexibility and the additional advantage of effective targeting.

  • Real-Time Analytics:With display advertising, you can access real-time analytics.  To make data-driven decisions, you can monitor metrics such as conversion rates, impressions, and click-through rates. You can use this to optimize your campaigns for longer-term, higher performance.

Types of Display Ads

  • Interstitial Ads: An interstitial ad is a full-screen ad that covers the entire interface of the host app. These ads are designed to be placed between content and are typically displayed at transition points in an app flow, such as between activities, during a pause, or between levels in a game. When a user is shown an interstitial ad, they have the choice to either click into the ad and continue to its destination or close it and return to the app. Interstitial ads are similar to pop-up ads but are differentiated by their full screen coverage. They can also be expandable (known as expandable ads), which start out as regular banner ads before taking up the whole screen. Interstitials can be displayed in different formats, such as text, a static image, rich media, or a video. The timing of the close option depends on the ad type. Usually, static ads can be closed instantly while interstitial video ads may have up to a 5-second delay before allowing the user to close the ad. Interstitials can also utilize playable ads, which allow users to see a preview of a game or even test and interact with it before downloading.

  • Pop-Up Ads: Pop-up ads are a form of online advertising focused on attracting Web traffic. They are usually generated in a new browser window with the help of JavaScript or Adobe Flash. Although these ads are one of the most popular online advertising techniques, they are not popular with average Web surfers, and several products and techniques are available to disable them.  Pop-up ads are also known as pop-ups.

  • Rich Media Display Ads:Rich media ads use interactive and dynamic visuals like text, video, images, audio, and animation to grab the audience’s attention and distinguish themselves from a sea of generic and uninspiring static ads.

  • Retargeting Display Ads: Retargeting display ads help you re-engage individuals who have previously interacted with you on your website or app but didn’t make a purchase or take a desired action. These dynamic display ads remind them of your brand by displaying relevant products or content they’ve previously viewed.

  • Native Display Ads: Native advertising is a sort of internet advertising that fits the form and purpose of the platform it appears on. It is a kind of advertising that you see often, such as promoted posts on social media or sponsored material on a website. Because native ads look and feel like other content on the platform, they tend to work better than other forms of online advertising. People are more likely to click on them, share them, and engage with them. That’s why more and more businesses are using native ads as part of their marketing strategy.


Tags: Display Advertising
